About Me

More About Me

I love being active. Looking back on my childhood days they were filled with riding my bike and playing sports with my neighborhood friends. As I became a young adult, I continued being active and felt I was healthy. That is until I was in my late twenties, and I learned of my borderline high cholesterol. Until this point, I ate any and everything I wanted without a second thought of how it impacted my body. I loved my fried chicken wings and mac & cheese. But this revelation marked the start of my wellness journey.

After becoming a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer I discovered that proper nutrition, cardio, and strength training must all be linked together to achieve those optimal fitness goals and to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

My journey has been diverse, from competitive bodybuilding to becoming an avid tennis and golf player as well as running marathons and triathlons. As you can see, I love challenges and changing things up. Each challenge taught me the importance of setting goals and following through with accountability.

I have a deep desire to empower women to live long healthy lives. It bothers me to see so many women still in their prime years who are sedentary and as a result are struggling to do basic everyday functions like walking up a set of stairs, carrying groceries or picking up that precious child or grandchild.

We owe it to ourselves to thrive and ensure that we can be present and active for life’s precious moments with our children, grandchildren, and loved ones. I know that, even more, now that I run and play with my little ones who call me Nana and G-Ma. We all must have a “WHY”. My “WHY” includes being able to spend quality active time with my family and friends to enjoy laughter, good food, wine & spirits, along with lots of travel.

What is your “WHY”? Let’s work together to “Execute Your Power.”

Coaching objective & Philosophy

My coaching objective is to empower individuals, especially women, to transform their lives by helping them explore and embrace a healthy lifestyle of eating, moving, sleeping, and stress management. I am committed to providing guidance and support on this journey towards lasting wellness.